Monday, March 28, 2016

Windows 10. Solution for the privacy problem.

Windows 10 is known to collect private data of the users and collect them on to their servers. They are getting huge profits just by selling these data.

There is a github project that is aimed to block this data collection. But it is not always working. Microsoft still manages to collect data even after the user actively trying to block it.

Maybe we have to tackle this problem using a different approach. If we succeeded in blocking the data collection to an extent, the few data that is collected is still valuable to the company. The novel way would be to "Contaminate the data". Figure out a way to generate random private data so that it would be rendered useless.

The software should generate random browser history, and other data. This data cannot be used by telemarketers to target us or used by any other corporations.

I ask the great minds here to start a project using this idea and help put an end to the privacy intrusion. Thanks.

from xda-developers

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