Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sonorisation defect!! on my N910C

I have serious complaints about the sonorisation of my Note4, which should be much better in my opinion, as one of the best devices on its range:

The inner rear loudspeaker and also the earphone performances are really poor; making distortion, even on low volume, while speaking and the loudspeaker, listening music of poor response.
Formerly I used to have an Iphone 4, which was good in sound; and I know Iphone 5 is even better than Iphone4...

Is it by default, or special to my device.?
Is there any possibility to have better parts, to get rid of distortion and have a better response while speaking and listening music from the device directly ??

Thanks in advance.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1qdsEPu

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