Tuesday, September 27, 2016

[Q] Google Play Services - battery drain

Hi, I have Z3 for some time now and basically since the beginning I have some issues with Google Play Services (GPS from now on). Since I had root I installed Amplify and restricted wake locks for GPS. Which helped sort of, but in the end GPS would still wake lock everytime it could, so I've tried to install custom ROM (with factory reset). Needless to say that GPS was still going mad. So, I've Uninstaller Google Now Launcher, which seemed to help for a while, but after while.. Well, you can guess... Ať this point I was pretty desperate, so even though I would like to use Location History, I've disabled it to find out if it really is what is causing this. aand... The same thing repeats. For a day my battery life improved significantly and few days later.. GPS is wake locking like it's some sort of party going on... So, at this point, I have no idea what to do. Before Z3, I had Z2, which was not having this issue. On the other hand I did use HTC Desire X for a while (when my Z2 was being repaired) and I had this issue. So, my question is.. Is anyone having these problems and if, do you have any suggestions? I will appreciate every feedback.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2do4LDZ

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