Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Can't wipe/format/recover/reset to factory settings my P8000 at all

Hi guys,

I have been trying to clean my P8000 to install a new ROM and sell it, but no matter what I do, I can't.

Basically, I go into recovery mode (PhilZ), try ALL possible options on it such as "Clean to install a new ROM", "Wipe user data", "Wipe Cache", "Wipe DALVIK". Believe me, I tried it all. Even though in the menu it shows as "successful", when I reboot my phone (even if I tried the process of installing a new ROM), it reboots to the good old Cyanogen I had previously installed like nothing happened!! :confused:

Of course, I have already tried the Android option (Redefine to factory settings) and again, phone just reboots like nothing happened. :crying:

Never seen this in any phone before!

Any ideas?

from xda-developers

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