Monday, February 29, 2016

Newbie Questions

I have several questions that are frustrating me right now. Just over a week with this watch.

1) I am using the stock 3 dial watch face and want to have the weather dial use The Weather Channel or some other source for the weather besides Google Now. Does anyone know how to do this?

2) Today, the Fly Delta app showed me a boarding pass from last week 4 times. I finally had to block the application from working. What is the mechanism that makes this happen? I want to be able to use the boarding pass when needed, but what possesses it to send the boarding pass on it's own "good will". Especially when the flight was 7 days ago? If I am standing at the gate, what action do I take if the boarding pass isn't there?

3) Google Now keeps sending me notifications to leave for meetings even for appointments that I do not have notifications set up for. I have seen this many times over on older threads. I just want one notification on my watch and it should match what I have setup on my phone. Is there any solutions to this?

It seems that Google now is just running away with my watch. Not a positive experience so far.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

from xda-developers

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